Let’s Make It Clear




The Association of Catholic School Principals in NSW Presents

Let’s Make It Clear

A communication workshop for leaders.

 ACSP is offering a one-day practical workshop on how to initiate and negotiate those ‘hard’ conversations.

Program Overview:

Clear communication is crucial for healthy school communities. As school leaders we have many conversations each day – with students, colleagues and parents. Most of these are positive interactions but there are times when we need skills to ensure that amidst all the words, the main message is not lost. This is especially true when the conversations are ‘tricky’ ones. Perhaps it’s highlighting a concern with a parent or discussing a performance issue with a staff member. These types of conversations are the difficult ones and if not handled correctly can cause misunderstandings and negative outcomes.

The simplest definition of Let's Make it Real is one in which we come out from behind ourselves, into the conversation, and make it real. While many fear real conversations, it is the unreal conversations that ought to concern. Once you’ve tasted this elusive thing called candour, served up with intelligence, passion and skill all possibilities will be expanded and, when sustained, will revolutionise your school's culture.

Who will benefit:

Facilitated by Margaret Hogan, an experienced educator, the day will equip you with some skills and insights that will enhance this aspect of your leadership.

The course can be provided for individual executive teams or a group of leaders from a number of schools. If your school is willing to host this day for a group, the ACSP will cover the cost of catering.

Principals, deputy principals and coordinators will benefit from attending this workshop.

Learning Outcomes:

In this program participants will learn to:

  • Confront tough issues with confidence and skill.
  • Overcome barriers to meaningful conversations.
  • Handle strong emotions − your own as well as others’.
  • Provide regular and welcome feedback.
  • Create an open and respectful atmosphere in which sharing is safe and learning is exciting.
  • Increase clarity, improve accountability and provide impetus for action and/or change.
  • Ensure that individuals know where they have authority to make decisions and act.
  • Consciously develop leaders within the school, providing school administrators the path to take on their instructional leadership responsibilities.
  • Create a culture of accountability, so that everyone in the organisation accepts full responsibility for his or her actions.

For  Further information or to book a PD session for your Executive team please email exec@acsp.catholic.edu.au